Michael McDonald was an American singer and songwriter who is best known for his work with the Doobie Brothers. During his time with the band, he contributed primarily with hits like “Takin’ It to the Streets”, “Minute by Minute”, and “What a Fool Believes”.
In the 1980s, he embarked on a successful solo career, recording hit singles such as “Sweet Freedom” and today’s song choice. Often associated with the blue-eyed soul genre, he has been recognized with multiple Grammy Awards throughout his career, and in 2021, he was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame (as a member of The Doobie Brothers).
On this very day, February 12th, 1952, he was born in (a suburb of St. Louis) known as Ferguson, Missouri. In celebration of his birthday, I’ve chosen a smooth ballad that really showcases his soulful vocal skills. If you’d like to have a listen, please feel free to use the provided link. Taken from the album, “If That’s What it Takes”, here’s today’s birthday boy, MICHAEL McDONALD, with “I KEEP FORGETTING”….